Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth of July!

I hope everyone had a Happy 4th! Of course during this time of year, we contemplate all that is great about our country, but we'd be lying if we said the Fourth of July did not also conjure up images of fireworks and barbecues. Moreover, I'd be lying if I said that BBQ simply means hot dogs and hamburgers. In my family it also means Korean short ribs: Kalbi. Although Kalbi is just beginning to be more mainstream, almost all of my childhood barbecue memories involves Kalbi. It is so sweet, garlicky and delicious. The more garlic the better!

Korean Kalbi
for 4-6 pounds of Korean short ribs (found at any Korean market)

1 cup soy sauce
1 cup water
3/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup sesame oil
2 tablespoons of minced garlic
1/2 medium white onion, grated
3 green onions, chopped
2 tablespoons of sesame seeds 

Coat each strip of meat with the marinade. Store in a container. Let the meat marinate in the fridge overnight. You may prepare it on a grill, in a pan stove top, or in a cast iron skillet.


  1. ooh, im going to have to try the grated onion....usually i use just green onion. the grated onion makes sense though.

    heres another good tip that i picked up somewhere. not sure if youve heard it before. place all of the meat and the marinade in a ziplock bag and take all the air out. it allows the meat to constantly be in contact with the marinade.

  2. yes sir! that is a good way to marinade!

  3. yes, it will be good with onion
    but it easily makes burn.
