Thursday, October 1, 2009

Making Choices

Eating healthy is all about making choices. I'm generally pretty healthy and do my share of working out, but there always comes the time when I feel that little craving. We've all heard that it is not effective to deprive yourself, so I allow myself to indulge once in awhile. And if I'm going to be bad, I want to choose something really delicious to make it worth the calories.

For me it's usually, do I eat the chocolate chip cookie or do I go for the slice of pizza? Which is the lesser evil? It's a big decision! My Husband sent me this link today that will make deciding much simpler. It is a website called TwoFoods. Here you can insert two different foods and they give you a comparison chart of the nutritional facts. I just compared pizza and french fries and they're sorta the same, yet pizza has more protein! Check it out!

1 comment:

  1. It is looks like Palm Tree. cute!

    I'm not her Mother.
