Monday, September 21, 2009

Summer Picnics

LA has so many fun social and cultural things to do in the summertime. One of my favorites is the Hollywood Bowl. I have been going to the Bowl with my family since I was a child and my most beloved part remains the same even today: the picnicking! The above picnic basket was a gift from my mother which she has dubbed as my "Hollywood Bowl Picnic Basket".

I went with some good friends over the weekend and what made it even more fun was that one friend was a first timer. We potlucked and here is just some of what we came up with! Of course I supplied the tablecloth, candle and flowers. Along with presentation, I love ambiance!


  1. Wow~~
    that look nice i wonder who bought that nice picnic basket...
    I wonder i wonder i wonder....

  2. Hi Commons'
    The Hollywood Bowl is an outdoor ampitheater in Hollywood, CA. During the summer they hold music concerts and different performances. If you're ever in LA during the summer it is definitely a must-see. It's also great because everyone picnics beforehand all over the grounds. Here is the website. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I hope you visit again.
