Friday, December 11, 2009

A Little Something Extra

During the holidays, gift cards are often exchanged. Although they aren't the most thought out or personal of gifts, sometimes they are the easiest option. Especially for the picky person on your list or the person that you don't know very well, etc. Regardless of the stigma, everyone loves receiving a gift card because you have the freedom to get what you want and not worry about the hassle involved with returning or exchanging gifts.

I just participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange with some girlfriends and sure enough the person that I chose, my dearest friend IY, only had gift cards on her wish list. As much as I wanted to give her something more fun and thought out, I knew that the gift card was exactly what she wanted. Plus I don't think I've ever seen her use or wear a single gift that I've given her, and I've known her for 10 years people!! (Don't worry IY, I'm not offended and I still love you!) So that is why this year I got her exactly what she wanted and to make it just a tad more personal, I baked her chocolate chip cookies too! I made an envelope out of holiday wrapping paper to put the card in and tied it all together with some festive ribbon. Easy, cute and more thoughtful than handing over a piece of plastic.

1 comment:

  1. i like this idea. its alot more creative than the scotch tape i was using this past season. =)
