Monday, December 7, 2009

J's Pasta Mish Mash

The other night I left work feeling exhausted and emotionally drained. I called my Husband on the way home and immediately began whining about my day. He is an amazing listener and knows just what to say to validate me. He then said that tonight he would cook for me so I could take a load off and decompress. He used to cook for me all the time before we were married, but lately since I have more time, I almost always cook for him. I was thrilled when he offered, because making dinner was the last thing that I wanted to do at that moment, but I was a little worried, because we didn't have much in the fridge to work with. He said he would figure something out, so I decided to put my control issues on the back burner for that night and just let him take care of it.

Dinner turned out to be amazing!! He grilled some chicken and garlic in olive oil and then threw in some asparagus when the chicken was cooked through. He added that to some pasta and topped it with fresh chopped tomatoes. Such a simple recipe and one that was thrown together so quickly. He's good at making dishes just using what we have, whereas I'm always running to the market. The chicken was well seasoned, the asparagus was crunchy and the pasta was perfectly al dente. It was delicious and more importantly, made with love.

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