Saturday, November 28, 2009

Spam Musubi

Tonight I decided to make my husband a traditional Hawaiian snack, Spam Musubi. I know Spam is very scary to many of you, but I have to admit when it's not sitting in that mysterious jelly after sliding out of a can and instead lightly fried and eaten with rice, it is pretty tasty! Spam Musubis are a great snack and a fun idea for BBQs and parties because it can easily be eaten with your hands. Above, I served them as a side with a bowl of hot Japanese udon. Enjoy!

Slice the spam right out of the can into thin slices. I know it looks a little scary at this stage.

Lightly fry on a fry pan adding a spot of soy sauce and brown sugar to each slice. Flip over and repeat.
Set aside.

Slice up roasted seaweed into strips. Some use Japanese unseasoned nori because it wraps better. But I like to use Korean roasted laver because it is a little salty and seasoned.

I like to use a musubi mold which can be bought in any Japanese market. It makes it easier to shape the musubi. You don't need the mold, but it's less messy if you have it.

Place the mold on top of a strip of seaweed and then place a piece of spam inside.

Next place some cooked white rice. I like to mix my white rice with a little brown rice. But all white rice probably tastes better.

Press down on the rice to flatten it out.

I like to sprinkle a little furikake on top of the rice. After this step, you carefully remove the mold and wrap the seaweed around.

It is up to you how you want to layer them. I made some with one layer of rice and one piece of spam, but you can make them with two layers of rice.

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