Thursday, September 3, 2009

Tofu Scramble

I am always struggling to find the perfect meal that is healthy, but also tasty and filling. I have the hardest time with breakfast. Growing up, my mother would never let us leave the house in the morning without having an enormous breakfast. There was the usual toast, eggs, fruit but then corn, baked potatoes with cheese, hot dogs and clam chowder (yes for breakfast) would make an appearance. So now, at age 28, breakfast is still my favorite and largest meal of the day; however, it is consistently a carb fest.

Whenever I am at a loss for healthy ideas I call my husband. To say that he is super healthy, fit and disciplined is an understatement. He suggested that I try using the tofu that's been sitting in our fridge. Hmmm....

I decided to go with a tofu scramble. I squeezed the water out of the tofu, crumbled it, chopped up red bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, gluten free italian chicken sausage, red onions and some basil. It turned out amazing!! I will definitely be adding it to my repertoire.


  1. may i ask what kind of tofu was used? boo-cheem-yong? jji-gae-yong? ;)

  2. Hi Teresa! I'm glad you asked! I use Pulmuone Organic Firm Tofu. So to answer your question "boo-cheem yong". I feel that firm tofu works better and crumbles nicely whereas the soft tofu will just disintegrate. Hope this helps! Thank you for reading! :)
