Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gift Giving

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love giving gifts. It is definitely a behavior that my sisters and I have learned from my mother. She is one of the most generous people I know. She would give gifts for every occasion and holiday. My friends would joke that she would even give gifts for Ground Hogs Day.

However, I don't just love the giving part, but I truly enjoy the selection part and the wrapping part. Pretty paper, tags and ribbons are those little things in life that make people happy. I aspire one day to have a room in my home solely dedicated to crafts and gift wrapping like Candy Spelling had. I know my Middle Sister probably feels the same way. She's a gift wrapping fiend! Even as a child, the rest of the family would hand her gifts to wrap.

Any package will look better with just a little ribbon and flourish. Homemade gift tags are super easy with just a little cardstock and a hole punch. I love fun wrapping paper, but sometimes brown paper adds a nice rustic touch. Homemade cards are also nice because they add a personal touch. Here are some pictures of cards and gifts that I've given in the past.

Easy way to personalize a gift

This was given to a friend who worked with me doing animal therapy. Yes, we worked with snakes!

For my turtle-loving friend on her birthday


  1. what a cute young lady you are !!
    you are better than Martha...
    cccccuuuuuuuuuute !!!

    I gave you a 10 points out 10 !

  2. carol~
    who took u to the art class when u were young??
    i think it is a time you pay me back!
