Monday, September 7, 2009

Carb Replacements

I love carbs! Potatoes, bread, rice you name it. But as I approach 30, I simply cannot eat the way that I used to. So I am on this neverending journey for meal ideas where I can have a delicious and filling meal, but without the starches. Tonight I found the perfect solution on this amazing blog recommended to me by my Big Sis: Week of Menus. The recipe consists of ground turkey and green beans. I ate the mixture on Romaine leaves with a dab of chili sauce while my Husband enjoyed it over rice.

High in protein and fiber, low in carbs. Problem solved! Thanks Joanne!


1 comment:

  1. Hi - it's Joanne. I stumbled upon this page purely by accident after seeing who was following my blog...thanks for the plug, I really appreciate it. I was trying to figure out if I know your sister...since she is in the Bay Area and I am too...
