Monday, September 28, 2009

6 Months of Bliss

I can't believe how fast time flies. It has already been 6 months since our wedding. To celebrate the mini milestone, I decided to make a soy glazed salmon with a side of haricots verts.

I seasoned salmon fillets with a little olive oil, salt and pepper. I sliced some red onions and placed them on the side. In a small bowl I mixed 2 Tbs brown sugar and 2 Tbs soy sauce and let it sit for a minute. I cooked the salmon and onions on a pan and when they were almost ready (a few minutes on each side) I drizzled the sugar/soy mixture over the fillets. In another pan, I heated a little olive oil, minced garlic and salt and then added the haricot verts. The beans are ready after a few minutes. This meal is super easy to prepare and super fast to cook. Serve it over a bed of rice.

Happy 6 months Mr. Lemons!

Housewarming Gifts

Housewarming and host gifts are so fun! I love giving them and I love receiving them. While plants and bottles of wine work great as housewarming gifts, I always enjoy receiving things that are more unique and more personal. In the past I've appreciated scented candles or useful kitchen gadgets. Another gift I like to give is a first aid kit. I feel that it is something every household needs, but very few have. It might be especially handy in LA where everyone is anticipating the "Big One."

Today I went to visit my friend AY who just moved into an adorable house. He got a board game as a housewarming gift, so hopefully he'll host some future game nights! I had a lot of fun wrapping the game and creating a gift tag that depicted his home per Google Maps!

What do you guys like to give or get as housewarming gifts?

San Diego

We had a great couple of days away from LA, NY and SF. Glad to hear that everyone has returned safely. Can't wait to do it again.

Happy Birthday Dad!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Summer Spritzer

So we're still in San Diego and before going out to dinner we had cocktail hour on the deck. I love a good summer cocktail and lately it's been scorching here in SoCal! ML, one of our foodies here, made this refreshing citrus summer spritzer. All you need is a good silver tequila, 1 grapefruit, 1 lime and Sprite. We used Jose Cuervo, but if you prefer something milder, el Jimador is a good choice.

Shake together a couple shots of tequila, the juice of the grapefruit and lemon and ice. Pour into glasses and top off with a splash of Sprite. This should make 4 glasses. Enjoy!


This weekend the whole family gathered down in San Diego to continue my dad's birthday celebration. The Middle Sister flew in from NY and the Big Sister flew down from SF. We stayed in a fabulous beach house in La Jolla with the ocean just across the street. The weather was perfect so grilling on the deck was a must. Of course we had Korean BBQ!

Concord Grapes

I'm obsessed with Concord grapes. They come out only in the summertime and are really popular with Koreans. They remind me of the summers I spent in Korea when I was a kid. Unlike regular grapes that are just sugary, these are extremely juicy and so flavorful. Concords are a slip skin variety and have seeds, so they require a bit of work to eat since you have to remove the skins; but, they are so delicious and worth it. Just don't wear white while enjoying these grapes!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Birthday Dinner

My Husband and I decided to host my dad's birthday dinner at our place this year. I cooked most of it with the help of my mom and brought in a few outside favorites of my dad. We did a Korean-Chinese fusion theme which is fitting as it describes my new family situation.

One of the main dishes we had was a Korean soup called miyuk guk. It is a seaweed soup that is traditionally eaten on your birthday. There are many variations, but the one we made had beef and mushrooms in it and of course tons of garlic. Miyuk is known to have a lot of calcium and also help lower cholesterol. It looks a little scary, but it's delicious with a bowl of rice!

The next dish that I made was a Chinese style seafood stir fry. It's a recipe that I got from my aunt and it is much simpler than it looks. It is a great dish for when you're craving fresh veggies but when you know you don't want a salad. The ingredients are shrimp, squid, scallops, baby bokchoy, carrots, shiitakes, green onions, garlic and ginger. The key to getting that Chinese taste is using oyster sauce.

One of the outside dishes that we bought was a spicy fried shrimp. It is a family favorite! If you have never eaten Korean-Chinese food you need to try it. One of my favorite restaurants in LA for this food is The Dragon (aka Yong Goong). It is located on 966 South Vermont Avenue.

Of course we had banchan of fried tofu and this time we also made muk (acorn jelly). Muk is one of the easiest things to make. You just cut it up into slices and then garnish it with the same sauce that is used for the tofu. It can be served at room temperature or cold.

We ended the meal with the desserts in the first picture, which are from one of my favorite bakeries in the area, Paris Baguette. We had a chocolate lava cake, strawberry freshcream cake and a green tea cake. They were all delicious with dollops of ice cream on the side!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Summer Picnics

LA has so many fun social and cultural things to do in the summertime. One of my favorites is the Hollywood Bowl. I have been going to the Bowl with my family since I was a child and my most beloved part remains the same even today: the picnicking! The above picnic basket was a gift from my mother which she has dubbed as my "Hollywood Bowl Picnic Basket".

I went with some good friends over the weekend and what made it even more fun was that one friend was a first timer. We potlucked and here is just some of what we came up with! Of course I supplied the tablecloth, candle and flowers. Along with presentation, I love ambiance!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Gift Giving

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love giving gifts. It is definitely a behavior that my sisters and I have learned from my mother. She is one of the most generous people I know. She would give gifts for every occasion and holiday. My friends would joke that she would even give gifts for Ground Hogs Day.

However, I don't just love the giving part, but I truly enjoy the selection part and the wrapping part. Pretty paper, tags and ribbons are those little things in life that make people happy. I aspire one day to have a room in my home solely dedicated to crafts and gift wrapping like Candy Spelling had. I know my Middle Sister probably feels the same way. She's a gift wrapping fiend! Even as a child, the rest of the family would hand her gifts to wrap.

Any package will look better with just a little ribbon and flourish. Homemade gift tags are super easy with just a little cardstock and a hole punch. I love fun wrapping paper, but sometimes brown paper adds a nice rustic touch. Homemade cards are also nice because they add a personal touch. Here are some pictures of cards and gifts that I've given in the past.

Easy way to personalize a gift

This was given to a friend who worked with me doing animal therapy. Yes, we worked with snakes!

For my turtle-loving friend on her birthday

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Anyone who has ever eaten Korean food knows all about the banchan. Banchan are the little side dishes that accompany the main dish and are served complimentary. They are also continuously replenished during a meal. You can have as little or as much as you want and the variety is endless. Think of it as asian tapas, but they consist mainly of veggies.

This weekend with my mom in charge, my sister and I made a few banchan. We first made a fried tofu dish that is made by slicing up firm tofu and lightly frying it on the fry pan. Then a marinade of soy sauce and garlic is drizzled on top. Lastly, a mixture of red chili powder, sesame seeds and chopped green onions is sprinkled on top. Presentation and color remember?

Next we made a dish that uses Korean squash, hobak. Slice up the hobak and sprinkle it with salt. Let it sit for 10 minutes so that excess water will be drawn out. After the 10 minutes have passed, give the slices a bit of a squeeze to get all that water out. Next, saute them and they are good to go. Easy right?

The last thing we made was fried tempura, which is also known as fishcake. After removing the fishcake from the package, I dunk them into boiling hot water for a second just to remove some of the oil. Then cut each sheet into small pieces. I then saute them for a bit until they are slightly browned. Add the usual soy sauce, sugar and garlic. Then add a few slices of jalapenos to add a little kick and season with sesame seeds.

Banchan is an easy way to add flavor and variety to your meals in a healthy way. All the ingredients you can buy at your local Korean market. I hope you'll try it!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Homemade Pizza

Making pizza at home is one of my favorite things to do, so when my sister asked if I could help her make it over the weekend, I was thrilled. She's usually teaching me stuff, so it was fun to be the teacher this time. It's so easy and so tasty. You really get instant gratification. Making the dough at home from scratch is pretty simple, but time is money, so I prefer to just buy the dough raw at Whole Foods. It isn't expensive and all you need to do is roll it out when you get home. It is even easier if you can get them to run your dough through the flattening machine. Make sure to use pizza sauce and not pasta sauce, as it will be too watery. For the cheese I prefer to use fresh mozzarella logs rather than the shredded stuff, but it really doesn't matter. You can use any cheese you want and as many different kinds as you want. Then the toppings are up to you! I bake it at 500˚.

One tip I will leave with you is instead of using flour to dust your pizza peel and counter top, I find that using non-waxed parchment paper is better. I tend to go overboard with the flour and it can affect the pizza taste. But if you prepare your pizza on a sheet of parchment paper, it will be easier to drag it on the peel and also to transfer it to the pizza stone in your oven. It will also be easier to remove when it's done. It won't burn in the high temperature.

Have fun and enjoy!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Korean Spicy BBQ Chicken

I'm cooking and blogging from San Francisco this weekend. When my sister first moved to LA from New York last year and decided to live a half a block away from me, I was thrilled! We had big plans for frequent dinner parties and many opportunities to cook together. Alas with our busy schedules and her new son, things did not pan out the way we imagined. Now she is up north, and here we are cooking together for the first time in a long time. 

We decided to make Korean food tonight. We both never really eat or cook spicy, but we thought we'd give it a try. The marinade is simple and the same for most Korean dishes: soy sauce, garlic, sugar, ginger, onions. The spicy comes from gochujang which is Korean hot pepper paste. We let the chicken marinate in that and we cooked the chicken in a Le Creuset on the stove. It would probably be even better on a grill, but it still turned out quite nice. Before eating we sprinkled the chicken with green onions and sesame seeds. Our mother always says presentation is key. She would have been so proud!

Don't Forget to Smell the Roses

Happy Friday! Do like my nephew and take time this weekend to slow down and enjoy the little things in life.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I can't say it enough. I LOVE Baggu Reusable Bags! I like the plasticky Whole Foods and Trader Joe's Bags too, but they get frayed and worn after awhile. But there is something about the Baggu that is so appealing. It's super light yet durable, machine washable, holds a ton of groceries and comes in a million different bright colors. They make great gifts and favors. It's an easy and affordable way to be a little greener. Learn more about them here and see what Instyle, WSJ, New York Magazine, Lucky and others say about them!

Wasabi, Wow!

I am such a snacker! I think I love the eating between meals more than I do actual meals. My problem isn't that I eat a lot of sweets; my problem is that my snacks turn into meals. Think pizza bagels and tater tots.

So I was thrilled when I found this trail mix at Trader Joe's. I'm usually not a huge fan of trail mix because there is always something in the mix that I don't like: random seeds and strange dried fruit. But in Wasabi, Wow! there are only almonds, peanuts, dried cranberries and wasabi peas. All basic ingredients, nothing funky and with the perfect kick. I usually can't handle spicy foods, but the amount of spice in this mix is just right.

Nuts have a lot of nutrients and are a great source for antioxidants, protein and fiber. This mix is a great way to get all of that. Oh, and it's low sodium! Throw a little bit in your bag so you can snack healthy when you’re on the go. Check it out!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


So when we bought our home about a year and a half ago, we had a lot of fun things done to the place. Paint was one of the them and it really helped make the place look homey. But in the time we've been living here, we've made a few bumps and brusies on the walls. There were window treatments, misplaced nails, a cute nephew and moved around furniture that added to the marks.

So FINALLY I've decided it is time to touch up the paint. J and I don't know much about home repair, but we've been learning little by little and by watching closely when workmen come to our home. But I really don't know about paint, especially since I was out of town when our place was initially being painted. But how hard could a few touch ups be?

I had to make my way to Dunn-Edwards because the paint I had leftover from before had gone bad. Whoops. They had great service at the store, gave me a few tips, and even gave me a pretty lady discount! My mom donated a tiny cute sponge brush to my cause. The result was clean touched up walls all over the house in less than 30 minutes. Yay!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Carb Replacements

I love carbs! Potatoes, bread, rice you name it. But as I approach 30, I simply cannot eat the way that I used to. So I am on this neverending journey for meal ideas where I can have a delicious and filling meal, but without the starches. Tonight I found the perfect solution on this amazing blog recommended to me by my Big Sis: Week of Menus. The recipe consists of ground turkey and green beans. I ate the mixture on Romaine leaves with a dab of chili sauce while my Husband enjoyed it over rice.

High in protein and fiber, low in carbs. Problem solved! Thanks Joanne!



I love tapas and it's such a good dinner party idea. I think when my good friend EB returns from her 2 month stint out of the country, I will throw a "welcome home" Spanish themed dinner party in her honor. As long as AY promises to supply his famous and delicious Paella. This weekend I decided to test out a few tapas dishes. I started with two simple favorites: Patatas Bravas (spicy hot fried potatoes) and ChampiƱones al Ajillo (garlic mushrooms).

Patatas Bravas

ChampiƱones al Ajillo

Stay tuned for more attempts at Tapas! (recipes will follow eventually)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Getting an Early Start on Labor Day

Today I decided to walk to Larchmont to run errands instead of driving in hopes of getting some exercise and reducing my carbon footprint. By the time I returned home, I was exhausted and dripping! So I jumped in the pool on our rooftop. It was heavenly!

Happy Labor Day!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Strawberry Lemonade!

I love strawberries and I love lemonade! I am especially obsessed with the strawberry lemonade that they sell at the Hollywood Farmers Market. So, like them, I chopped up the strawberries into tiny pieces instead of slicing or muddling like I used to. Easier to drink through a straw or gulp down. Today I made it with organic blue agave instead of sugar. (Sis, didja hear that?) It's better for you than sugar and you don't have to use as much. Ahh, so refreshing!

Purple Orchid

I love flowers and always have some around the house. Check out this interesting purple orchid that my dear friends gave me as a hostess gift. I'm usually an orchid killer, but I'm getting better. So we'll see how this one does.

Ice Cream a la Pinkberry...sorta

This summer has been extremely hot here in LA. Since my sister has moved up north, I have no one to eat frozen treats with on Larchmont each afternoon (literally, every day). It is probably better this way. However, I still get the cravings for something icy every once in awhile.

Here's how I get my fix. Chop up whatever fruit I have in the fridge (berries work best) and sprinkle it on top of vanilla Haagen Daaz ice cream.

What makes this even more fun is my Zeroll anti-freeze ice cream scooper from Williams-Sonoma. It really works and makes really cute, perfectly round little balls without killing your wrists.

Tofu Scramble

I am always struggling to find the perfect meal that is healthy, but also tasty and filling. I have the hardest time with breakfast. Growing up, my mother would never let us leave the house in the morning without having an enormous breakfast. There was the usual toast, eggs, fruit but then corn, baked potatoes with cheese, hot dogs and clam chowder (yes for breakfast) would make an appearance. So now, at age 28, breakfast is still my favorite and largest meal of the day; however, it is consistently a carb fest.

Whenever I am at a loss for healthy ideas I call my husband. To say that he is super healthy, fit and disciplined is an understatement. He suggested that I try using the tofu that's been sitting in our fridge. Hmmm....

I decided to go with a tofu scramble. I squeezed the water out of the tofu, crumbled it, chopped up red bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, gluten free italian chicken sausage, red onions and some basil. It turned out amazing!! I will definitely be adding it to my repertoire.