Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stirfry Noodles

It has been so hot lately and cooking for long periods of time has become almost unbearable! Here is a dish that is super quick to make so you can get out of that hot kitchen. My good friend YC created it right before my eyes all in the time that we were having a chat and a cup of tea.

I stopped by my friend's house not too long ago unexpectedly because I was in the area. I just popped in for a quick chat and did not plan on staying long as I needed to get home to make dinner for my Husband. While we were sitting in her kitchen sharing a cup of tea, she received a phone call from her boyfriend, saying that he was going to be coming over very shortly for dinner. She was not expecting to make him dinner that night, but she did not seem to fret. She simply pulled out a pack of yaki soba noodles, some lean pork, and some veggies. She kept chatting with me and before I knew it, she had this delicious dinner all ready to go. It was so quick and simple, I hardly even knew she was making a meal.

1. Prepare these noodles per the instructions on the packaging.
2. In a separate wok or pan, heat up some oil and garlic.
3. Add in the meat. Pork or chicken goes nicely.
4. Add in whatever veggies you like.
5. Add in the cooked noodles and mix everything together.
6. Add in a little soy sauce.
**I toss out the included seasoning packet.

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