Sunday, October 25, 2009

Perfect Popcorn

I love good popcorn and often enjoy it as a snack at home. But I really don't like movie theater popcorn or microwave popcorn. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not above bad-for-you snacks with chemicals, but there is something about the strange artificial taste that turns me off. I loved the air popper our Grandpa gave us when we were kids and I still enjoy that same air popper as it was on our registry and given to us by my Sister-in-Law. It makes popcorn taste good even without toppings. It's a great way to snack guilt free!

Of course my Middle Sister and her boyfriend, ML, have their own version of how to make this treat special. ML is a great cook himself and gets a lot of his good ideas from Chef Alton Brown. He uses Brown's method of cooking popcorn, but made it his own by mixing two different types of corn and his own concoction of spices. You really can't go wrong, so have fun making this your own.               

Happy Popping!

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