Friday, January 1, 2010

Korean New Years Day Tradition

Dduk-Mandu-Guk is a "must eat" on New Years Day for Koreans everywhere. We've been eating it for breakfast/brunch every January 1st for as long as I can remember. It is a delicious soup that consists of beef, little chewy rice cakes, and dumplings. It is garnished with a little bit of green onions, egg and roasted bits of seaweed. It is your typical Korean comfort food. It goes really well with a bowl of rice. My mother also cooks a mini feast to go along with this soup and we take the time to pay respects to our grandparents who have passed away. Husband and I also pay our respects to my parents (this gesture is called seh-beh) who in turn shower us with wise words and blessings (and if you're lucky, money!) for the new year.

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