Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Eat Less & Move More

I am finally back after not writing for almost a month! I have been a little busier since the new year has begun. I've been seeing more clients and I am working to uphold some of my resolutions for 2010. One of the goals at the top of my list is the most recurring one: Lose some major LBs!! I'm sure most of you can understand this one and agree that it is not easy. I was talking to a friend, NP, last night and we both agreed that we are eaters and we enjoy cooking, wining and dining! This is never going to change, so instead of depriving ourselves, we need to just step up the exercise regimen.

So what I've been doing this whole month instead of posting here is attempting to eat less and move more. That means cooking less delicious foods, eating more of boring fiber and protein, counting calories on Calorie King and working out on my new Wii Fit everyday. J and I got the Wii Fit for Christmas from my Middle Sister and I'm determined to make good use of it. I create my own routines full of cardio, yoga and strengthening exercises. I've created a weight goal and each time I use it, it weighs me and tells me my BMI. It has been pretty addicting and it beats going to the gym. Of course I can't rely on a video game alone, so I've decided to try walking for 30 min in the morning with my Husband and hiking a couple times a month. We recently went on the Hollywood Sign Hike to see the sun rise and it was a really great workout, not to mention also so romantic! It is a short hike that is not too steep and it offers a beautiful view of Los Angeles and the Valleys. I am totally addicted and plan on going with my Dad this weekend.

So I apologize for being so delinquent in my posting, but you see, I'm still trying to lose that honeymoon weight. I plan on writing more about working out and also more about healthy eating choices. So Happy New Year once again and here's to being healthy, successful and happy in 2010!

The sun rising over downtown LA

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