Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Answer is in the Stars

The other day I was at Trader Joe's (of course) and I noticed this new adorable snack. It reminds me of those Mother's circus animal cookies from our childhood. You know the hot pink and white cookies with sprinkles? I loved those as a kid! These are sorta like the adult version of those cookies. These have no artificial colors or flavors nor any preservatives. The color on these cookies comes from blueberry, raspberry and vanilla yogurt coating. This sounds better than Red #5 or Yellow #3. Yogurt is healthy, right? The package states that "if you're searching for something sweet, the answer may lie in the irresistible in fact, you might just get starry-eyed over them." So cute right? So yum too!


  1. kYoOtE!~ ^_^v

    haha, actually i loved the circus aminals.

  2. actually got these after seeing your post. um ... delicious!
