Friday, February 26, 2010

Brussels Sprouts

It's another veggie filled Lenten Friday! This yummy dish will help you forget that you're depriving yourself of meat. I love brussels sprouts! They are high in fiber and protein and low in fat. They are also so easy to prepare and you can really get creative with them. Here is a recipe that my friend NP shared with me. I love that she sprinkled them with red pepper flakes at the end, because I love adding red pepper flakes to everything! It's a quick way to add an extra kick to your dishes and it doesn't overpower. Enjoy!

In an enameled cast iron pot, add a generous amont of butter and olive oil and let it get warm. Then add in the brussels sprouts that are halved, a little garlic and finely chopped onion. Add in a little salt and pepper. Then I deglazed the bottom of the pan with a little white wine. Finally, sprinkle a little red pepper flakes and parmesan on top.

1 comment:

  1. haha, this reminds me that i always wanna whack someone when i see stalks of sprouts at the market. hehe. how do u like my random little comments? haha =P
