Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Queen of Flowers

I saw this sign outside a flower store while driving and thought it was so cute. Some may argue that the Queen of Flowers is the rose or another bloom, but I fully agree that the peony is most beautiful, elegant and so aromatic. I think a lot of the appeal also comes from the fact that they are so short lived and only available during a few months here in LA. While they are expensive, TJ's has them each season for 7 bucks a bunch. Get them while you can! 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Nintendo's Way of Telling Me to Get Moving!

I'm not making excuses, but while I was at my last job, I had no time or energy to work out. Each night I barely had the energy to cook dinner, so I was definitely not running to the gym. So after I stopped working, a big priority for me was to get back into shape. I hadn't used my Wii Fit in ages, and I thought it would be a nice low impact way to ease back into exercising. When I turned it on, this is what came on the screen. Because I had been away for so long, my Mii character was asleep! How embarrassing!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Trader Joe's Opening

Finally, the Trader Joe's in Hollywood on Vine has opened! This post is long overdue, as the store had it's grand opening last month. However, I still wanted to post up some pictures. Most TJs are tiny and cramped with anxiety provoking parking lots, but that is not the case with this location. It was originally supposed to be a Whole Foods, so maybe that is why the space is a bit generous. I'm thrilled as it is just up the street from me! Here are some pics.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Summer Solstice!

Happy first day of summer (for my readers in the Northern Hemisphere)! Although we have lovely weather year around here, not everyone is as fortunate. In the UK, about 20,000 people got in touch with their pagan roots and attended the annual summer solstice celebration at Stonehenge. Looking at their climate, I don't blame them. Over there the sun is definitely something to get excited about.

The above picture is from our recent trip to Europe. When I can organize all our photos, I will post more about the trip!

Hope everyone has a great day! Get a drink after work and enjoy the extra hours of daylight!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful men out there who are so dedicated to their families!

As my sisters live in other parts of the country, this year I had my Dad all to myself. I hosted at my place and made a breakfast that consisted of pancakes, sausages, eggs and breakfast potatoes. I was tempted to make a healthier breakfast with my veggie sausage and my broccoli scramble, but I knew Dad truly desired a good ol' fashioned (what we call in our family) Big Breakfast. I did sneak in sweet potatoes though. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A New Season

Gosh, I cannot believe that it's been more than 2 months since my last post! Around the last time I wrote, I had just started a new job and to put it nicely, it was a situation that was less than ideal. I really did not have time for much else. But although I have not been blogging, I was still always thinking about my little S and L. So although I am moving forward, I will post a little about what I have been doing during my little hiatus.

The good news is, I am no longer at the "less than ideal" job. I have also just returned to LA from spending a glorious 2 weeks in Europe with my beloved for our one year wedding anniversary. I am almost over my jet lag and ready to put my little home, that had been neglected while I was working, back into order. I want to cook a little more and pamper the hard working Husband and then eventually go back to work.

I returned from my trip to find my calla lily plant doing more than just poking through the soil. I can't believe that they actually grew! I do not have a green thumb and really know nothing about gardening. But when my Mother,the jolly green little Asian lady, gave me some bulbs, I decided to give it a go. Like the birth of this new plant, I too feel like this is a new chapter for me, personally and professionally. I am rejuvenated and looking forward to getting back into the groove. I am saying goodbye to my former stressed out self and embracing my new healthy relaxed self. Summer solstice is also just around the corner and we Angelenos know that there is no better place to enjoy summer than in LA!

Here's to new chapters and new seasons!